Paviour and Davies Plants

We are a small plant nursery open specific days to the public between April and August (or by appointment), we are located in North Herefordshire. We sell a lovely collection of unusual trees, shrubs and perennials, all propagated and produced on site at the nursery. The focus of the nursery is a developing range of South American plants, in particular those from Chile and all are suitable for growing in our gardens in Herefordshire and the rest of mainland Britain. All that we sell can be seen growing in our arboretum also open to the public. Some of the plants we sell will be familiar, others may not. Within the arboretum we have a collection of the Azara species and cultivars, these evergreen shrubs and small trees are found only in South America and flower early spring through to summer with yellow scented flowers. The collection we have is recognised as a 'National Collection' by Plant Heritage. The only other comparable collection is at Exeter University. Part of our work is educational, giving talks and running short courses. Guided tours are available.

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